Winter Serenity Sessions

Join facilitator Shemiza Rashid and immerse yourself in a series of four free sessions exploring sound, words and colour. Join likeminded individuals in these monthly sessions to explore creativity and self-expression in the exquisite and relaxed environment of The Drawing Room at Wardown House, Museum and Gallery. Immerse yourself in engaging conversations around themes of love, life and the everyday.

Join us to listen, learn, connect and create. No experience needed just a passion for creative conversations and a desire for self-love.

Amazing Aeroplanes

Let your creativity take flight at our awesome Amazing Aeroplanes workshop…

Hat Factory Arts Centre - | 10.30am & 1.00pm

Sandscape Workshop

Get ready for an exciting, hands-on journey of discovery like no other!…

- | 10.30am & 1.00pm

The Wonder Hour at Wardown

We’re launching a brand-new interactive experience for families this year…

Wardown House, Museum and Gallery - | 11am - 12pm
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