FLOW: Exhibition 2022 - Work in Progress (WIP)

Students working in the MA Art and Design Course at the University of Bedfordshire and the School of Arts and Creative Industries are daring to share their formative ideas, samples, maquettes the initial work, still in its raw state and full of questions and promise.

Flow exhibition is a reciprocal arrangement in this context signifying the sharing of ideas, working together, the meeting of minds and creative endeavour. Developing a place of context and contact in a world that has lacked contact and at times context  -  We dare to Share.

These conceptual works are an attempt to inspire themselves and hear and listen to others.

This sharing of ideas and practice, in Works In Progress allows the audience to participate in the working process, the methods of thinking and making, you may leave the artists your suggestions, take part in debate and workshops, encourage and be involved in a participatory events, including a Pecha Kucha.

More information to follow.

Mon - Fri: 11am - 4pm

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